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The author, Rodger Roberts, P. Eng., is an independent researcher, scholar, and historian who was born in South Africa in 1950 and moved to Calgary, Canada, in 1977.  He has spent much of his working life in the oil and gas industry in engineering, project management, petroleum marketing, business development, and strategic planning in locations across the globe.  He has the freedom to follow his interests, engage in his studies, undertake research, and explore new ideas without the usual constraints associated with an academic position.  This independence has allowed him to pursue avenues of inquiry with a flexibility not always open to other historical or biblical scholars.  Not able to find a satisfactory explanation for the origins of the Bible in traditional media such as books, magazines, television, or film, he embarked on a personal quest to uncover the truth for himself using skills acquired in the business world and drawing upon his experience in applied science, market research, risk analysis, and strategic planning, an approach that gave him a fresh perspective on a very old and arcane subject.  He has presented key aspects of the hypothesis proposed in the book at the following biblical conferences:

  •      International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT), 2013, Munich, Germany
  •      European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), 2016, Leuven, Belgium
  •      International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT), 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa

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